The night was young and the air was cool and still. But soon that was interrupted with some heavy and resigned footsteps and rhythmic sobs. Hunched over in sorrow and pain, the man found the bench that he was looking for; sat himself down and sobbed away. He had thought for a moment, maybe a slightest moment that perhaps this time was different, this time was for real, this time it would last. This could be it...but was it?
The bench listened in, with his ears perched and just quietly listening. His young friend was here again, he was privileged to be part of this young man's journey. Often coming when the night had fallen and people gone, that this young man would come and sit and just reflect. He loved listening to the rhythmic breathing of the young man, he was always real and without pretence. Calm at times, tumultuous at others. He liked this young man and had certainly gone through a lot in his life. Experiences that have scarred, wounded and shaped him to be the man that he was. But the bench knew that there was more.
There was something special about this young man. He could sense that there was a potential that if only the young man could realise, that it would serve as a springboard to set him free. Like the span of an eagle's wings, to spread his wings wide and fly. The bench would like to see his friend discover that freedom and soar. He knew that it would happen in time. The young man would have to be transformed from within, in order to be free to soar. But until then, the bench would be hopeful that the young man would be transformed in time.
Many days passed, the young man was not in sight. The bench sensed that there was a change in the man, he didn't know what it was but it was good. One day when the night was down again and the air was cool and still, the bench heard a familiar voice but this time an immense joy was ringing with the voice. Ah...the transformation did take place. But wait, there was another which the bench had never heard of. Soon, the young man and his companion were in sight. They sat on the bench and chatted. The bench knew that this was a union to be.
At last, the young man has found his wings and soared. Freedom.
The bench remembered the young lady too, from a long time back but she had missed for a long while. He smiled knowingly, the young lady had found her wings too and soared. Freedom.
Yes, freedom.