The little things

As the bench sat there, observing
the many things that go on around.
It noticed certain little things that
others might not have noticed.
The sprouting of the flowers in springtime,
red, yellow, blue, yellow...every possible colour.
the little birds which swooped down to the fountain
at certain times during the day, perched...drinking.
The regiment of ants crawling up and down,
searching for a morsel of food.
The little children with the abundance of energy
just running around.
Eyes which were ever so sharp,
laughter so contagious,
excitable over the slightest of things.
Observing these little sights,
conversing that with the bench.
The bench remembered one such
conversation with this little boy.
Boy: Hi there Bench, have you noticed anything about adults?
Bench: Not too much, except that they aren't so observant anymore.
Boy: Yeah. They don't see the little things like those that we see and get so excited over. The little things, I love the little things.
Bench: I noticed that. You are always poking and finding, turning each stone around you. Looking up and down, listening, sitting, watching. are an inquisitive child, my boy.
Boy: My mom says that too. So energetic, she says...she can't keep up with me. Well, I like what I do. Just enjoy the simple things, not the latest toys or TV programme, not the tests or exams.
Bench: Ahh...the charm of the simple things in life. It's just so addictive. Sadly, it has lost its hold on people.
Boy: I think so too. My mom, adults...they just want to walk...and walk and walk and walk without stopping or looking down to the ground. That's where the treasure lies. Don't you think so, so many treasures on the ground. *Winks at the bench*
Bench: *Winks back* Yes, my boy. The treasures of the simple and fine things in life. Nevermind that they have lost that sense of excitement and appreciation, you have not. That makes that difference.
The bench and the boy sat there smiling that quiet smile of theirs and just looked on to find more treasures on the ground.
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